Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015

Cara aktivasi Windows 7 via Skype 'Legal'

Berikut Sy akan menjelaskan bagaimana cara aktivasi Windows 7 via Skype? Sy menyediakan Langkah-langkah aktivasi via Skype tentunya Legal & Permanent. Ikuti langka-langkah dibawah ini dengan Benar.
Anda harus punya :
1. Skype. silahkan download DISINI jika belum punya
2. MAK key yang masih valid. Silahkan sobat download DISINI  untuk semua versi. atau Ultimate MIRROR dan untuk Pro/Enterprise MIRROR

3. Jaringan internet.
1. Matikan koneksi internet/ Disconnect internet connection
2. Klik menu START > Klik kanan Computer > Pilih Properties

3. Sobat dapat melihat status aktivasi dibagian paling bawah. Klik "Cange product key"

4. Masukkan key yang diminta, dan Windows akan memverifikasi key
5. Lalu pilih "Show me other ways to activate"

6. Klik "Use the automated phone system"

7. Gunakan panggilan bebas via skype [+448000188354] yakni United Kingdom atau [US Minor Outlying Island] [+18007548300]. Admin menyarangkan United Kingdom [+448000188354] 

8.  Setelah itu sobat akan mendapatkan ID instalasi
9. Sambungkan kembali koneksi internet. Gunakan Skype. Lakukan panggilan ke +448000188354. Dengarkan dengan seksama apa yang dikatakan oleh si robot, si robot hanya akan meminta kode verifikasi terlebih dahulu [biasanya 2-3 angka] dan menanyakan 2 pertanyaan yakni : 

Robot : "Welcome to Microsoft Product Activation, Press 1 if you are a home user or 2 if you are a bussiness customer with volume license agreement"

Jawab : Tekan angka 1 pada keyboard atau klik tombol 1 pada layar tombol skype

Robot : "How many computer you activate using this key ?"

Jawab : Tekan angka 1 pada keyboard atau klik tombol 1 pada layar tombol skype

[ingat! sebelum pertanyaan diatas harap dengarkan baik-baik, karena skype meminta kode keamanan. biasanya 2-3 angka] 

10. Tunggu Confirmasi ID dari Skype. Harap dengarkan baik-baik! lalu masukkan sesuai kolom masing-masing. Jika berhasil, akan muncul seperti ini.

11. Sobat bisa cek sttus aktivasinya asli atau tidak lewat Comand Prompt (CMD) Administrator lalu ketik
slmgr /ato
 Dan Selamat Aktivasi Windows 7 Anda Berhasil.

BlueStacks Offline Installer + Root

BlueStacks AppPlayer It allows you to program your own Android games and full screen PC and tablet run. You can also instantly without the need to reboot, you can switch between Android and Windows. You can also Android app icons on your desktop. By this software, you can program your Android phone or tablet without Android, try and use the same way on your computer.
Having Bluestacks can see what's already on your phone or friends on your PC and open it later, which means that you can program is just like the view of the desktop Did you interact with it on your phone and take advantage of its resources. In addition, the synchronization program that allows you to back up data and applications stored on the phone you can backup onto your computer.

Features BlueStacks:
● Run games and applications on Windows and Android tablets
● Has all the features of Android
● Supports many android apps
● New graphics and HD
● Award at CES
● Ability to Sync
● Ability to backup the data and applications stored on the phone on the computer
● New GUI for Windows
● Internet connectivity

Release Notes for New Features:
- More graphics related changes to support apps like Flipboard, Rope escape, Amazing alex.
- Automatic selection of keyboard, based on windows locale for countries like Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Norway, Finland etc.
- Some more fixes for "Stuck at initializing" issue.
